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Mt Barret


Mt Barret is a short but steep hill in Rai Valley, the local war memorial is at the base of this hill.

If you are looking for a good stretch of the legs while in the Rai Valley area, Mt Barret is a great one to get the heart rate up. Mt Barret is a very steep climb 168 to the summit with spectacular views of the Valley.


At the base of Mt Barret is the local war memorial, if you head up the steps you will see a rough track leading off into the bush. You follow the track under some well established pine trees and zig zag your way up the hill. There is only one gate to open and close and its there to keep a very friendly horse in, so if you do visit please make sure you keep the gate closed.


There is a seat about half way up on one of the steep slopes to take a rest and catch your breath if you need to. Once you reach near the top there is a small area that you do have to push past a bit of gorse so just be aware with little ones.
Once you reach the marker at the summit you will be welcomed with some spectacular views of the valley.
Then you can make your way down, what took about 30min to climb will only take you about 10min to race down !! that's the fun part for sure!!.
This track also attracts some local mountain bikers, who have created some bike tracks on the hill as well.
Although there tracks are off to the side of the walking track, still keep an ear out for them as they go zooming past at a pretty good speed.
Mt Barret is a good wee climb that will not take you long but get the heart rate up and give you some amazing views, its well worth the climb and a good challenge for younger kids.


Munchkin Review 

'I love going up Mt Barret to see the views of Rai Valley, its hard but really cool at the top" Meika O'Donnell, aged 8yrs


Adventure Notes




What to Bring

- Walking shoes
- Water


Time and Distance

approx 1hr return but can be done quicker, 3.5km


Munchkin Info

- Not Pram Friendly





Other Info

- Dogs on Leads





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